Adult Ministries

Adult Sunday School

11:05 AM - 12:00 PM Sunday Mornings

Elective classes are offered for all adults. Electives usually include Sermon Follow Up, Book of the Bible, and Topical Study. During the summer months we have a combined Adult Sunday School Class.

Current Offerings

Small Groups

Small Groups are a context in which we learn about, focus on, grow in, and help others grow in Jesus’ priorities. They are an essential part of our spiritual transformation. In them, we can connect and be in encouraging relationships with others, dive deeply together in the Scriptures, and learn to follow Jesus in every aspect of our lives. There are several Small Groups that meet, with a variety of focuses - some are for married couples, some are all women or all men, some are based around the whole family, and some are open to everyone.

If you are interested in joining a small group, please complete the Small Group Questionnaire. A member of our Small Group Ministry team will follow up with you to take the next step.

Wednesday Morning Prayer Group

Meets weekly at 7:00 AM Wednesday mornings in the Lower Level of Church to pray for our church, our community, and the world.

E.P.I.C. - Experienced Persons in Christ

This group gives the opportunity for persons over 64 to experience and express the joys and encouragement that life can give and share with others what God has given to them.

Monthly Bible Study meets the 3rd Thursday of the month September - June at 9 AM at the Franconia Café. 

Check out the EVENTS page for additional upcoming Events.

EPIC March Prayer Calendar & Newsletter

Women of Grace

Ministers to women inside and outside the church through teaching the Word of God and providing fellowship and evangelism in order to encourage a deeper walk with God.

Check out the EVENTS page for upcoming Events and Bible Studies.

Book Group meets the second Monday in January, March, May, September, & November. Books range from Biographies to current works of Fiction. Contact Jayne Dressler for more information.

Men of Grace

Tuesday Night Bible Study

Meets every Tuesday evening at 7 PM for small group bible study, prayer and discipleship. Contact the church office for more details.