Current Openings

Read through our current staff openings below and prayerfully consider applying to join our team. We’d love to connect with you!

  • Vision

    Grace Bible Church deeply values children and the role of children in ministry. As a result, we seek to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children and families, staffed by loving volunteers who will lead our children into a life of fruitful discipleship to Jesus


    1. Children develop a basic understanding of the Gospel with consistent encouragement and invitation to a life of faithful obedience as well as a familiarity with the basic outline of the biblical narrative: creation, fall, promise, Christ, Church, new creation.

    2. Children Memorize key Bible passages and learn the skills needed to navigate God’s Word.

    3. Opportunities for children to share their gifts and serve.

    Primary Responsibilities

    1. Work with volunteers to plan and oversee all programming for ministry for children preschool age through 5th grade (e.g. Children’s church, Sunday School, etc.). Propose and execute a budget and in conjunction with volunteers and staff, oversee the planning and implementation of other community and outreach events involving children.

    2. Work with the administrative assistant to complete administrative duties such as producing teaching schedules or preparing materials for teachers

    3. Encourage, equip, and recruit volunteers to minister in GBC’s children’s programs. Provide ongoing support to volunteer staff to meet goals for Christian Education, monitor classrooms, and enforce best practices 

    4. Work with volunteers to reach out to the community and/or IVNS through children’s ministry events.

    5. Develop and coordinate a mid-week children’s program. 

    6. Build relationships with parents and help equip them to more confidently disciple their children by offering resources, wise advice, or encouragement to seek pastoral care.

    7. Pray for the children, families, volunteers, and ministries. Provide the congregation with periodic updates on Children’s Ministry, with suggestions for prayer support.

    8. Ensure that safety and best practices are employed within the Children’s Ministry by training staff as necessary in first-aid, room security, child abuse training and certification and by maintaining current background checks.

    9. Help create a culture within the Children’s Ministry that is compelling, life-giving, and exciting for the children and volunteers.


    1. Character: Be a committed Jesus-follower, modeling faith and biblical parenting in one’s own life.

    2. Commitment: Be or become a member of Grace Bible Church, and support the mission, vision, and values of our church.

    3. Competence: Demonstrate ability to lead and empower people to disciple children in creative and compelling ways. Also, be a learner, always working at expanding your abilities to improve ministry.

    4. Chemistry: Demonstrate excellent interpersonal communication and listening skills with the ability to build trusting relationships.

    5. Leadership: Exhibit leadership skills with the ability to build, train, and empower teams of volunteers. 

    6. Education/Training: Possess experience in elementary education and/or ministry. 

    Supervision and Schedule

    • Demanding, part-time position requiring at least 7– 10 hours per week to accomplish the mission outlined in this job description. (Amount of time needed is subject to evaluation.)

    • Weekly schedules will be flexible and will require some weeknights and weekends. It is important that the Director of Children’s Ministry be highly available to volunteer staff.

    • Reports directly to the Lead Pastor

    Send questions, resume, and cover letter to the church office at